Saturday, November 29, 2008

Celebrating Bethany Kids at Kijabe

Nov 29, 2008. Today has been interesting. We attended a celebration of Bethany Kids, this being their 4th birthday. The energy there was quite powerful and contagious. They organized a couple of ice-breaker games and this was followed by a large meal of rice, home-made cole-slaw, mixed veggies, potatoes, gravy, and barbecued lamb (they cooked 2 just outside the facility!). During the meal we introduced ourselves; there were about 75 people, employees of Bethany Kids. After the meal people were selected to give speeches, including Ivan and Donald, the American pastor who has been here all week on a job interview as director of development for the organization. This was followed by some singing and then we headed home where I decided to crash for awhile. I slept for 45 minutes then heade out to the Poenaru's to update my blog and check my mail.
Tomorrow we were to go to Nukuru Game Reserve, but this will not be possible. Instead we will be going to a church in a very poor village, (?Embru)...more on this another time.
I am not certain if and when I will have internet access again after today as we will likely have an early start tomorrow and a late return. On Monday Ivan and I are supposed to do housecalls before we depart for Nairobi and our return home. There is a good chance I may not get access until Heathrow at the earliest; when we passed through coming this way I was not able to access the net there, so????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you are having a very interesting trip. Have a safe journey back home. Take care joy