Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nov 27, 2008. Today is my Dad’s birthday; he would have been 89 years old! I can’t even really imagine what he may have looked like at that age, but would have been happy to see! I’m sure he is still looking down and amazed at the experience I have had in the past 2 weeks; maybe he has even read my blog!!
Speaking of which, today went as planned so far. Ivan and I spent most of the morning at the hospital teaching in a Palliative Care Course being put on today for some local pastoral care trainees and their teachers. I found out about this week so had to prepare a talk on end of life care, aimed at the pastoral care group. My topic was not too difficult to prepare; I was able to do a powerpoint presentation this morning before the session and it went very well. We both received thanks and applause for our presentations and lots of questions were asked generating a good discussion; the whole thing took about 2 hours +.
After this we went back to Millie’s for lunch – sandwiches, fruit juices, fruit salad (with every meal), and cookies. I should tell you about the Bransfords again.They have been in Kenya for 31 years as missionaries. They are the kindest and most caring people I have met in a long time. It is fair to say that they have not had a single meal without company in the time I have been here. Millie simply informs us when the next meal is being served and we are expected to show up. So, with few exceptions, I have had nearly all of my meals there. She apparently loves chocolate, so this morning I gave her the 2 boxes I had brought and she was thrilled. The guest house I am living in is part of their property (in reality they own none of it as it is all owned by their church). I have previously described it and won’t repeat.
Last week she did some laundry for me (including ironing!) so now I can make it the rest of the trip with no further laundry. Look out when I get home!!
This morning I also gave the rest of my candy to Mercy at the hospital. She was absolutely thrilled and said, they are just in time for Christmas!!
The end is now in sight and I am so eager to be back home it’s not even funny.
Ivan has to go to Nairobi in the morning but I’m not certain whether I’ll go or not this time; I may try to get I on another round at the hospital. There is also a possibility of housecalls tomorrow or Monday. On Saturday there is a celebration of the 4th birthday of Bethany Kids and this is expected to carry on for 4 hours.. On Sunday, Mike Adkin has decided he wants to take Donald and me to Nukuru, and another major large animal area (especially rhinos, white and black) – I’m game! On Monday, Mike will take us to Nairobi in expectation of our at around 11PM. En route we will meet at a restaurant and share a meal with his daughter at a resto close by.
This afternoon I have chosen to be a bit lazy and try to catch some mid-day rest for a change. I mailed letters to Genevieve and Julia today from the Kijabe post office – stamps were 95 shillings (about $1.30 each). I have no idea how long it will take.

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